Friday, December 02, 2005

Amphibian, I'm exactly not !! Part 2

Trembling legs which conquered half mile without his consciousness stopped as soon as a truck’s sound horn bring back James consciousness …… sudden relization strikes him to question, where he is…?

Sorrow filled mind hardly concluded the place at last. The river bank, it was his favorite spot.. a place you could find him on weekends and holidays.. He loved that place to pass the times as dry river bed sands coincided somewhat with his uncompensatable pain, that his young life had gone through….he used to blabber the things that happened that week the good , the bad , his happiness and sadness, his problems as if someone was always there to listen to him …

But this time it was sorefull. Thoughts would not let him to realize things further, thoughts that took him to the fruitless lands of hell, the same feeling he felt while reading that non-detail story which that day had been marked by the tears that rolled away.

(minutes passed to control himself)

Hardly holding his heart, trying to remember the story line that squeezed him........

~~~~ It was an economically devastated family … batteling life's way to consume a full stomach porridge. These situations threw, the head of the family, the father down into the cities days ago for a small income just to substanciate his family surge out of starvation….Amutha back home with her two kids and the only most prized possesion their dog with its 3 puppies. Trying to pass every hour of hunger.

Few days ran out by adjusting some thing left in the house, and the time had come when all they could do was tie a wet towel around thier stomachs and wish that the next sunrise would fortune then all if not full meal, atleast some thing enough for their existancance.

It was usual to see the dog leave her litter's home and come back on time in the evening to feed her puppies. But that day something was abnormal and the dog hadn't returned yet. Hungriness now slowly start to conquer these puppies, puppies started screaming…. the sound arising .. becoming louder by the minute reaching its peak. Amutha tries to stop the noisy screams..… but it turns out to be futile…(she knew why these puppies were screaming suddenly.. because they are hungry and badly food.. )

Suddenly neighbor’s come and shouted at Amutha telling her that screaming noises of the puppies was disturbing their peacefull sleep.

Even though she wasn't giving heed to her neighbour's rude remarks, all that was running through her blank mind was thoughts to feed the puppies….

She stood there quietly for few seconds, commands herself to do something to manage the prevailing situations as much as she could ....Went into a dark room, closed the door and minutes later she came out with half filled glass of milk and fed the young puppies to end the raising screams …...

When her 7 years elder son questioned about the milk she fed,
“It’s my milk, Your Mother’s milk”,she mercily responded with satisfactory smiles being sprinkled over her glowing face ~~~~

Reddish white paths of eyes begins to retry immediately when that last line,
“It’s my milk, Your Mother’s milk”, hardly strucked him painfully.

James weeped, weeped and simply weeped ………..

He was impressed with the character of the mother in that story. That conquering, sentimental last lines made him to shout to the peak cliffs expressing his feelings,

“At least I should have been born like that dog in their home”

Consoling himself he started to walk back to his hostel….. but his pannicking heart never let him move, inspite it revised his childhood in seconds …….


Its a another bright morn, Ramu walks out to sweep the street, gathers the garbage and throws it in the concrete bin that the local municipality had just installed, he suddenly hears the cry of a baby.... cautioned.. he searchs into the dirt...

To be Continuned.....


radiantbear said...


Your a great story teller in the making. I have been waiting that you will put the third part also so that I cud comment for the whole story.

A mother's love can never be compared to anything in this world.
Its so precious that the lucky ones like us should never take it for granted.

Awaiting the conculsion...

And I seriously think u should post at a regular interval.


Anonymous said...

dear anbae
Really very good work done!!!
but why ur late in continue of the story??? waiting 4 that so much:)


radiantbear said...

May Lovely,
Happy Times,
Decorate your
Holiday Season,
May Warm, Special
Memories, Brighten your
New Year, May the wonder of
Christmas be with you forever.

Anbae said...

To Nanyaar?,

Senior it s actually, a sad story explaning the pains and wretchy life of orphans but me not talented to express the things what i imagined to convey.Thought to highlight many points... but ended in vain. Not intrested atlast....

And thankx for the wishes, senior.

To Lee,

A bit late but lattest.Thankx for dropping by. Waited patiently to check my story end...? Thankx again. hope you'd gone through the 3rd part...

Advance Christmas wishes..

With cheers,