Thursday, October 27, 2005

Life that Protrudes..

A positive hope minded wealthy 18 yrs youngster, an outstanding pupil awarded every year for his academic aspects, a talative young poet with spirits to evoke inspirations among teens of his age, a honoured proudfull family background, a rhythamical singer, today as a migrated medical student with servefull heart..., like every thing nurtured through his lucks and talents, strenghtening him mentally healthy to evoke everything with confidence as he likes...........

Yeh I believd he's gonna to be the next inspirig hero 2 our generation...

Fate, what it means? what's its destination ? why it strikes.....?

Yeh, this destined fate never leaves him too...though today he's a medical student, abusing alcohols unlimitedly, cigars round the clock thought to die day by day being scared to prefer death in minutes than surving bodily, meaningless moaning in day half-sleeps, scaring about the imaginative dreams, deep thinkings ends in weeps in the early mornings for no reasons, wealthy enthusiastic poems and rhythamical words went like unclimbable peaks, parents love went in winds to the heavy stroms like abusing ..., like everything fadded

Do u believe that " A Fortunated love which often took him to the hopefull dreamlands of heaven" ..... is the poisonous reason for his detrimentalness?

Decidious stage of life defamed him in small age, deadlock moments throwing out his breath slowly, no debar, no struggle, even no hopes at last ...........

" The rose blooms 2day should fade 2morrow" ,Is this the philosophy rulling true here.... ?????????????

Throw ur hopefull words 4 ur beloved rehabilitative youngsters struggling 2day in society....

(I'm watching this true fact from dawn to dusk every day)


radiantbear said...

Man that was a good read.. see now this is what I am talking about..

and the person your talking about I think I know who he is..

It all depends on him to change..

radiantbear said...

Tagged you check my website!!

Anbae said...

ref. nanyaar?

yup senior,whom ur guessing is seen probably changed and this s 2 devoted someone who couldnt change even after the struggles defeated by someone ....

yup i seen them thankx a lot

with cheers,

Ramses said...

could relate with the eprson described!


very well written!:)

sad what life can do to the best of best!:(

Anbae said...

thankx u first,
hope u might feet with the circumstances i thought to view... for a person .. being my collegue...i shouldnt and didnt ....

anyway thankx 4 supporting here keep visiting me :)

with cheers.,

Anonymous said...

its cool man
keep going..................
v r wating for u r next one.
i love u da chellam

Anbae said...

romantic dropping by , thankx a lot
keep watching me :)

with chers

Anonymous said...

sounds so sad but at the same time so true ! yeah, this things happen too often , unfortunately. we must find the way 2 get out of that situation of our hearts and souls.
written excellent !!!


Anbae said...

To lee,

sure,the struggling hearts never expects the heel but the needs and the promises gievn by the oppenent..

with cheers,